Dr. Sketchy’s Sketchdump! (Plus some other nonsense)

Last night I finally made it out to a Dr. Sketchy’s meeting in Portland and boy howdy am I glad I did. Awesome people, sweet prizes (lascivious burlesque paper doll book, anyone?), good drinks, and a fabulous model. What more can a girl ask for? I spent the night mostly challenging myself to bust out some quick watercolor renderings for the 5-10 minute poses, then did a few inky things later on.

20 minute excuse to draw a big ol’ dragon.

And my response to the “Make this pose into the best noir poster you can manage in 20 minutes” challenge. This was a blast, although I’m really not a fan of inking lettering in a timed environment. Waaay too much stress. Also ran my pen out of ink in the process of making it atmospheric enough.


When not drawing scantily clad babes in sketchy bars, I’ve also been doing some rendering and style experiments for an upcoming project. Hence quick comics about footwear!

Also been really into the way Aaron Diaz renders faces, so I’m trying that out for a while with the G nibs I got for Christmas. Those things are nifty!

Who is this dapper fellow? What is he so excited about? We may never know.

Baggywrinkles 1 & 2 Now Available Online! (Fo’ free)

If you’ve been out there itching to show your friends the magic of Baggywrinkles without having to buy tangible copies of the comic, then boy howdy is this the post for you! I’ve just made both issues available online in their entirety because I love you all and really, it’s about time.

Furthermore, the amazing Joe Follansbee (author of the Fyddeye Guide to America’s Maritime History) recently put up an interview with yours truly on his site! To learn more about how I got involved in all this sailing and comics stuff in the first place, check it out over here.

I had a wonderful (but brief) trip out to see the Lady Washington and Hawaiian Chieftain this past weekend in Oxnard, CA. We had a lovely breeze for our three-hour sail, and it was a huge treat to be aloft and out on the water after so much time away.

Finally, I’ll be returning to Portland this weekend to reprint both issues of Baggywrinkles and make a bundle of new buttons. If you’d like to buy buttons on their own to distribute to nautical friends or decorate your own peacoat/ditty bag/fisherman’s hat, they’ll be available in the store next week in packs of three for two bucks (plus shipping).

That’s it from me. I’ll see you all in a week!