New Comic: Flip the Switch

BlogHeaderSo a while back I hinted that I’d soon be contributing some work to The Nib, Matt Bors’s comics portal over on That day has finally come! I went to check out Float On, the nation’s largest sensory deprivation tank center, and made you a whole comic about it. If you’ve ever wondered what happens to a work-addled freelancer’s brain when you cut off all its access to outside information and stimuli for 90 minutes, this one’s for you.



Click through to read the whole story on The Nib.


New Guest Strip: Sam and Fuzzy

SamFuzzyGuest_PreviewYou can check out the guest comic I drew for my pal Sam Logan over on his webcomic Sam and Fuzzy today! Once again, my co-conspirator Shannon Campell took the reins on writing this one, and I think she did a pretty solid job of upgrading Devahi from a lovelorn sidekick to a fully-fledged homicidal ass-kicking philanthropic woman. The Woman of Tomorrow, if you will.

Thanks for letting me play with your characters, Sam!