30 Days, 30 Outfits

Happy New Year, readers! I’m looking forward to sharing a whole bunch of art stuff with you in the next couple weeks. Let’s begin here:


In the interests of getting myself sketching more often, I resolved to draw whatever I was wearing over breakfast every morning this month instead of, say, checking Twitter on my phone. As someone whose primary wardrobe options mostly come from the very exclusive Soggy Cardboard Box on a Streetcorner boutique, this has been a really fun exercise so far. Not only does it give me a little practice every morning, it also makes me think about new ways to combine the clothes I own and gives me a visual record of outfits I liked to fall back on when I’m staring at the heap of clothing on my floor with zero motivation to get dressed.

Of course some days…

Photo Jan 11, 1 57 19 PM

…are better than others:

Photo Jan 12, 9 41 37 AMSince these are coming out every day I’ll probably just do round-up posts every once in a while, but if you’d like to follow along in real time be sure to find me on Twitter or Tumblr!

Site Overhaul!

Welcome, friends, to my brand new site! After realizing that my former blog theme was no longer supported on WordPress and therefore failing to load images properly, I upgraded to a new theme and have spent the afternoon putting together a more robust and well organized homepage for you all to enjoy.

There are some sections that are still under construction and some kinks that are still getting worked out, so do bear with me as I bumble though, but hopefully the overall experience is much improved.

Since this wouldn’t be a proper blog post without some art, here’s a smattering of doodles from the past week. I’ve been out sick for four days with a killer cold, so this has basically been my M.O. of late:


Then there’s the first wave of backer birds for those of you who were kind enough to support the Cartozia Tales Kickstarter. Thank you!

And a couple portraits from the past month to round things out:



Grand Adventure — Part 2

More comics! For you! Here’s the second installment of pages from my Grand Canyon trip last month, covering the Adventure with the Flash Flood and our run through Lava Falls. The last batch of pages will go up on Wednesday due to a Leaving My Sketchbook at Home Like an Idiot error.

For the many of you who have asked about a print edition, never fear. Your wild cries have been heard and I’ll be putting one together before the end of October. Thanks for convincing me to make ’em!

Grand Adventure – Part 1

As promised, here’s the first half of my diary strips from my trip through the Grand Canyon! I had so much fun drawing these. It’s been far too long since I had the space and time to just draw for myself every day. Part two should be up sometime next week, so keep an eye out.


Sea Creature Commissions

Wrapped up this little triptych of sea creatures last week for a client in Seattle. They were so much fun to paint! I really enjoy working with vibrant watercolors. He asked for a layout where they could hang staggered on a vertical plane, so I overlapped the elements from each one to give them a little continuity. I couldn’t really get them to match up perfectly in the WordPress interface, but this is close.

If you’re interested in a small watercolor commission of your own, I currently have some slots available. Get in touch at lucypcbellwood[at]gmail[dot]com for more info!

