Category: Blog
More Words Than I Thought I’d Write About Email on a Wednesday
Are these really the messages I cast aside so I can pounce on contracts from shipping companies?
Supplemental Video
We all want to be patted on the head. We all want to know we are part of the tribe.
What’s That Sound
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Clean Sweep
I’m watching in awe as this tool (a Chrome-based browser add-on) downloads all tagged photos of me ever posted to Facebook so I can archive them on my own external hard drives. Been putting this off for years because a huge chunk of my life documentation from 2007-2013ish only existed in photos taken by other … Continue reading Clean Sweep
Ramble #35
We got owls! We got frogs! We got THE MOON. Yes, it’s another Ramble, coming to you live from the Meadows Preserve in Ojai, California. For those of you new to the practice: I record these walk-and-talks every so often as a way to keep track of where my head’s at. If you’d rather read … Continue reading Ramble #35
The Principle of the Thing
Make it stick.
A Pack a Day
More dispatches from the Department of Niche Websites.
Blogs on Blogs
I got to have an extensive chat with Manu Moreale a couple months ago for his People & Blogs series, which is a lovely project showcasing folks writing online and maintaining their own sites.
Double Dipping
Recurrent vocabulary.
“I draw the path to walk”
There is art we make because we are dedicated to a craft and art we make because it’s an expression of our innate human desire to play.