Category: Education
The Long-Awaited Tessa Hulls Interview
Just in time for my next event at Bart’s Books, I’ve finally finished cutting together the audio of my previous conversation there with creative powerhouse Tessa Hulls!
What Doesn’t Kill You
I am sixteen, sitting sun-warmed against the stucco wall of the school library, hearing my voice shake as I schedule an appointment at Planned Parenthood. I am six weeks pregnant and scared out of my mind.
Q&A: Comics for Social Good
Answering some Patron questions about how to use comics for social good.
The NEH, Racism, Good Editors, and Me
There’s always room to be more explicit when it comes to identifying oppressive structures in our work.
First Foray
I’ve made my first YouTube video! It’s a four-minute rundown on how to bring emotion, action, rhythm, and clarity to bear in writing for comics. Folks who follow me on Patreon know this came about because I’m working on a graphic novel called Seacritters with my friend Kate right now and it’s her first time … Continue reading First Foray
Websites? Wobsites. Wibsits!
This is broadly a discussion about websites and trying to be yourself on the internet, but we also managed to talk about The Muppets, book design, 1970s British television, generative poetry, and at least two types of cheese.
Ojai: Talk of the Town
I caught up with my friend Bret Bradigan on his Ojai-centric podcast to talk about what I’m working on these days.
Rage, Liberation, & the Adventurous Life with Tessa Hulls
I love being on Patreon for many, many reasons, but chief among them is the platform it’s given me to record more conversations with creators I admire. I already keep an extensive archive of panels, talks, and classes, but the support and enthusiasm of my Patrons has allowed me to add candid monthly interviews to the … Continue reading Rage, Liberation, & the Adventurous Life with Tessa Hulls
Imposter Syndrome in Our Own Words
I’ve just released two new recordings featuring diverse creators in Chicago and San Francisco dishing the dirt about their battles with Imposter Syndrome. Listen in!
Your Book Tour
Here’s what happens when you tell people you’re going on book tour: Their eyes widen like they’re picturing private jets and limousines, booksellers laying stock to be signed at your feet, adoring fans queued up out the door. They congratulate you—assuming you have “made it.” You try not to let the lunatic edge invade your laughter … Continue reading Your Book Tour