Talking Kickstarter with ConSequential

If you’re looking for some good audio material for your Thursday afternoon, I recently did an interview with Mr. Dave Convery of the ConSequential podcast all about everyone’s favorite topic: Kickstarter! We discuss the merits and pitfalls of crowdfunding for comics, as well as some other nonsense. In their own words, the episode boasts: More comics! More jokes! More interviews! More … Continue reading Talking Kickstarter with ConSequential

Grand Adventure: PDF Edition!

Hello loyal readers! Sorry things have been rather quiet around here lately. I’m working on a bunch of projects that I can’t say anything about on the Internet, so there hasn’t been much to discuss. HOWEVER! I’ve just released a new, high-res comic for you on Gumroad, so let’s talk about that. Grand Adventure, my … Continue reading Grand Adventure: PDF Edition!

Kevin’s Catch — Sneak Peek

Just finished a mad dash to finish line on my latest story for Cartozia Tales. Did I mention WE MET OUR KICKSTARTER GOAL? Holy cow, Internet. You really pulled through on that one and I’m so incredibly grateful. Thanks to all of you who helped spread the word and raise us over our massive goal. … Continue reading Kevin’s Catch — Sneak Peek

Grand Adventure — Part 3

Here it is, friends: the final installment of Canyon Comics! I hope you’ve enjoyed reading along and experiencing the adventure secondhand — it’s been great to share it all with you. You can now find the whole thing in sequence on the Other Comics page for easy access. I’ll be rescanning all these pages on … Continue reading Grand Adventure — Part 3

Grand Adventure — Part 2

More comics! For you! Here’s the second installment of pages from my Grand Canyon trip last month, covering the Adventure with the Flash Flood and our run through Lava Falls. The last batch of pages will go up on Wednesday due to a Leaving My Sketchbook at Home Like an Idiot error. For the many … Continue reading Grand Adventure — Part 2

Cartozia! Rose City! New Comics! I’M BACK.

What ho, faithful followers! I’m finally back in the land of civilization after 21 days of hiking, climbing, rowing, and getting dunked repeatedly in very cold water-ing. I don’t have adequate words to explain what an extraordinary time I had, but here’s a picture from Day 5. I know. It’s ridiculous. Despite my near-constant sogginess, I did … Continue reading Cartozia! Rose City! New Comics! I’M BACK.

The Final Dispatch

Greetings, dear readers! I write to you from somewhere in the mountainous Utah desert, surrounded by the chaos of packing and provisioning for an important voyage. This will be my last online appearance before a 21-day rafting trip down all 287 miles of the Grand Canyon. I’ve been planning this adventure in one form or … Continue reading The Final Dispatch

New Guest Strip: Sam and Fuzzy

You can check out the guest comic I drew for my pal Sam Logan over on his webcomic Sam and Fuzzy today! Once again, my co-conspirator Shannon Campell took the reins on writing this one, and I think she did a pretty solid job of upgrading Devahi from a lovelorn sidekick to a fully-fledged homicidal ass-kicking … Continue reading New Guest Strip: Sam and Fuzzy

The Cartozia Tales Kickstarter is LIVE

You’ve heard me shouting about it for months and end, and now the day is finally here! The Cartozia Kickstarter Campaign has launched with an incredible outpouring of support from fans all over the world. I’m so excited to share it with you. In case you’ve missed it the last fifteen times I’ve gushed about … Continue reading The Cartozia Tales Kickstarter is LIVE

New Comic: Mr. Tambourine Man

In honor of Mr. Tambourine Man making the official selection for Rock Ink Roll’s anthology (out in November from Altered Aesthetics!), I’ve decided to release the comic online for all to read and enjoy. It was great working with writer Shannon Campbell again, and I’m looking forward to the other projects we have planned for … Continue reading New Comic: Mr. Tambourine Man

That's all! Go home!