Category: Events
Comics & Coffee in Ojai
Event alert: I’m hosting an open studio gathering right after Christmas with fellow comics-makin’ powerhouse Shay Mirk!
Back at Bart’s
Come help celebrate the release of Carson Ellis’s new book, One Week in January, on October 12th in the Bart’s courtyard from 6-7pm!
Find Me at A2CAF!
I’ll be in Ann Arbor this weekend for a rare appearance!
Convening the Poetry Cabal
Walking the walk RE: my last post and sharing something utterly delightful that just landed in my inbox. Phil and Liam, the folks behind Galaxy Brain, are hosting a digital Burns Night celebration this Friday. Come prepared to read a poem and share a toast in memory of Scotland’s beloved national bard. (Exactly what mice … Continue reading Convening the Poetry Cabal