Category: Uncategorized
True Believer: Sneak Peek!
As I work on compiling all the color and ink files today, I thought I’d throw up a finished preview page so you guys can get a feel for how things are shaping up. More to come soon!
Before I pass out and forget everything, I need to throw this information somewhere for posterity. I arrived on campus with a bagel and some coffee (rare for me) this morning at 9am. I just got home 10 minutes ago. In the intervening 15.5 hours I… – Read 120 pages of Rousseau’s political writings – … Continue reading Mondays
A Riddle.
Who’s got two thumbs, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and is finally fucking done with finals for the year? THIS GIRL. Expect more updates now that there’s actually time for that sort of thing. The time is upon us for drawing and scanning and generally having a nice time of it. Woo! To start … Continue reading A Riddle.