The Society of Split Minds

Maybe this is a sign I’m turning into my father as I age, but I’ve really embraced the art of reading in the loo.

2022 in Reading

Everything I read in 2022 with next-to-no commentary at all.

They are both darkness: they are both lights.

“There will be a lot of sewing last year’s fragments with this year’s threads.”


We can always be the catalyst for someone’s next foray into joy.

Just the Thicket

I love this game of finding out that people I admire know other people I admire.


Someone to put on the kettle.


I just know that when I read it I felt personally attacked in that good, awful way that means something true is surfacing.

A Collection of Small Things

Too many things on the brain, not enough energy to make them all into individual posts.

That's all! Go home!