Tag: art
“I draw the path to walk”
There is art we make because we are dedicated to a craft and art we make because it’s an expression of our innate human desire to play.
Operating Instructions
What’s it all about?
Better Late
I kept chickening out about committing to a single composition to have up for the rest of the year. Something about the imagery I was choosing scared me.
Kid Pix
Nothing on the internet has ever transported me back to a state of childlike delight so quickly.
Stumbled across this 1966 stonecut print by Inuit artist Pitseolak Ashoona and fell in love. (Photo by Reese Muntean.)
Live Q&A Hangout at Sea this Friday
Greetings, friends! It’s me again, your friendly neighborhood Artist-at-Sea-on-a-Research-Ship-with-WiFi-in-the-Middle-of-the-Pacific. This week we’re doing something really fun: a live Q&A on Google Hangouts! I’ll be sharing illustration work from the voyage so far on R/V Falkor, talking about the joys and challenges of drawing comics at sea, and answering YOUR questions! If you want to ask something, … Continue reading Live Q&A Hangout at Sea this Friday
Light in the Eyes
Something a little different today: a process GIF from a recent illustration commission! This cat portrait was done start-to-finish in Manga Studio with Frenden’s blue pencil and Hairpin Sable inker brushes. You notice how the cat really comes alive in that last frame when the white highlights in the eyes come into play? Every time … Continue reading Light in the Eyes
The 100 Day Project
Those of you following me on social media may’ve noticed a new series of drawings going up over the last couple weeks! I’m participating in The 100 Day Project, which comes to us via Elle Luna and The Great Discontent. The premise of this project is simple: make something every day for 100 days. That’s all. … Continue reading The 100 Day Project
New Merch: “Fair Winds” & “Blissful Indifference” Postcards
I’m releasing two new postcard designs this week! They’ll be coming in sets of 5 for $5—a mere buck-a-postcard—so hop over to my store to pre-order, or read on to learn more. Many moons ago I drew this in a sketchbook to celebrate the passage of time and its marvelous effect on giving a shit about … Continue reading New Merch: “Fair Winds” & “Blissful Indifference” Postcards
Emerald City Comicon Pre-Show Commissions
Hey gang! I’m trying out something new for Emerald City Comicon this year: pre-show commission slots! This hopefully means I’ll be able to deliver a higher calibre of work to those of you looking for original art, while prioritizing my time talking to everyone on the show floor rather than hunching over my sketchbook desperately … Continue reading Emerald City Comicon Pre-Show Commissions