Tag: artist’s books
Relative Pricing
What would it really take for cartoonists to be paid fairly for the work they do? What happens to the accessibility of my work if I’m paid what I’m worth?
Websites? Wobsites. Wibsits!
This is broadly a discussion about websites and trying to be yourself on the internet, but we also managed to talk about The Muppets, book design, 1970s British television, generative poetry, and at least two types of cheese.
Preview of the final structural form for all those Wherefore illustrations I posted a while back.
Untitled, Oct. 10th
NOT DEAD. STILL HERE. Don’t believe me? Then have a full photo walkthrough of my major project for last semester’s Book Arts class! Untitled, Oct. 10th is a rendition of a poem by my dear friend Hallie McPherson (whose insanely powerful work can be found on her blog), illustrated, designed, hand-printed, and bound by yours … Continue reading Untitled, Oct. 10th