Thanks, Infos, Travels

First off, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to everyone who came out to the Zine Symposium and braved the musty stench to chat, browse, buy comics, and generally make my weekend totally awesome. It was a great experience and has me really excited to get going on a number of new projects. Pictures will … Continue reading Thanks, Infos, Travels


Hey everyone. So, in honor of my birthday (which is today), I’m releasing all my exciting news in one fell swoop. We’ve got new comics, reprints, a fan page, and a convention appearance all up in here, so read on! First, and most importantly, Baggywrinkles #2 is FINALLY HERE! *** It’s been too long in … Continue reading HERE IT COMES!

Baggywrinkles #2 Inks

Hey, y’all remember when I was doing that nautical comic thing way back in the day? The one I said would be finished “in a few days” about 6 months ago? (At least, that’s what it feels like…) Well, hopefully I can make good on the promise soon, but just to prove I haven’t utterly … Continue reading Baggywrinkles #2 Inks

Oh wut!

Someone’s inking a comic! Also: taught a comics workshop at Reed this evening that went super well! Had an awesome group of students and even though I know I probably talked too fast, they seemed to dig it. Looking forward to showing the collaborative comic we came up with. Good stuff!


Heed no rumors of my demise, Internet. It’s just that glorious time of year known as “Finals,” and I have been a very busy bee. To prove that I am not just bluffing about this, and that even in the heat of papers and exams, I am still finding time for comics, here’s a very … Continue reading Proof!

That's all! Go home!