Tag: blog
Blogs on Blogs
I got to have an extensive chat with Manu Moreale a couple months ago for his People & Blogs series, which is a lovely project showcasing folks writing online and maintaining their own sites.
Noodling in the Dark
We’re making our own internet out here and we owe it to each other to get it right.
“If everyone’s social media experience looked like your social media experience I think people would want to be on social media a lot more.” I’m in therapy. I mean, I’m in my house, same as every other day, but I’m looking at the particular video call window that corresponds to “being in therapy” and my … Continue reading Stumbling
Life at Sea with R/V Falkor
Happy New Year from the Pacific Ocean! I’m writing today from the outer lounge of R/V Falkor, the research vessel I’m currently working on as an artist-in-residence. At this very moment we’re motoring through the middle of nowhere, but thanks to our Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) there’s satellite Internet on board! The science team … Continue reading Life at Sea with R/V Falkor
Site Overhaul!
Welcome, friends, to my brand new site! After realizing that my former blog theme was no longer supported on WordPress and therefore failing to load images properly, I upgraded to a new theme and have spent the afternoon putting together a more robust and well organized homepage for you all to enjoy. There are some … Continue reading Site Overhaul!
More Watercolorin’ (and a Tumblr!)
Some more watercolor doodles! I can’t seem to stop myself these days. Aaaand a comic. Because I can’t resist and GOD. DAMN. the wind was cold yesterday. Also: I got a Tumblr because it seemed like a smart move. You can check it out over here. I’ll probably post more silly doodles there in the … Continue reading More Watercolorin’ (and a Tumblr!)