Blogs on Blogs

I got to have an extensive chat with Manu Moreale a couple months ago for his People & Blogs series, which is a lovely project showcasing folks writing online and maintaining their own sites.

Noodling in the Dark

We’re making our own internet out here and we owe it to each other to get it right.

One Quick, One Slow

Even if social media is crumbling around us, people can endure.

In the Dark

“You cannot write a single line w/out a cosmology.”

The Society of Split Minds

Maybe this is a sign I’m turning into my father as I age, but I’ve really embraced the art of reading in the loo.

“We weren’t even watching ourselves”

“The “publish or perish” model that nudges people to rack up more followers is not the pinnacle of creative freedom; it’s indentured spiritual servitude.”

Never Again

I’ve wondered with increasing frequency whether it makes the most sense to start consolidating everything on my own site, but the fact is there’s something valuable about maintaining these different tonal environments.

Ambient Friendship

“I can feel closeness to you without actually having it.”

Soup Brain

“to live among & within & through words or more vitally, caring attention—that’s the daily practice”


Just thinking a lot about how I organize my thinking in general these days.

That's all! Go home!