Buttons in the Emporium!

I know, I know. I said this was going to be done long ago, but the wait is finally over! You can now purchase Baggywrinkles-related buttons to confirm your place at the head of the seafaring cartoonists’ community. Choose three buttons from the image below and they will miraculously appear on your doorstep in short order. … Continue reading Buttons in the Emporium!

Baggywrinkles 1 & 2 Now Available Online! (Fo’ free)

If you’ve been out there itching to show your friends the magic of Baggywrinkles without having to buy tangible copies of the comic, then boy howdy is this the post for you! I’ve just made both issues available online in their entirety because I love you all and really, it’s about time. Furthermore, the amazing … Continue reading Baggywrinkles 1 & 2 Now Available Online! (Fo’ free)


Before I pass out and forget everything, I need to throw this information somewhere for posterity. I arrived on campus with a bagel and some coffee (rare for me) this morning at 9am. I just got home 10 minutes ago. In the intervening 15.5 hours I… – Read 120 pages of Rousseau’s political writings – … Continue reading Mondays

PDX Zine Symposium Tomorrow!

Hey sailors (and non-sailors)! Just a reminder that I’ll be at the Portland Zine Symposium tomorrow with a bundle of awesome stuff to sell. “What kind of stuff would this be?” you might ask. I WILL TELL YOU. There will be Baggywrinkles 1 & 2, Tales from the Fragment, nautical button packs(!!!), squeaks of the … Continue reading PDX Zine Symposium Tomorrow!

That's all! Go home!