Laid Low

No one was asking me to work, so I could actually work.

Current Feelings (But Also Actually Past Feelings)

“It’s rare that I feel dreadful while I’m having my tea and scrawling pages into my journal outside in the sun first thing in the morning, so whatever’s coming for me today will, at the very least, abate for a half hour tomorrow. This helps to remember.”


I’m suspicious of why I’m doing this.


Just thinking a lot about how I organize my thinking in general these days.

A Current Impasse

How can I reconcile how excited I am by this project—how tangled up in the joy of designing new characters and solving page layouts like crossword puzzles every morning—with how utterly depleted and depressed and grief-riddled I am in the rest of my life?

Artist Brain/Worker Brain

I can’t help but be furious when I think about how many people cannot survive on the money publishing wants to pay them.

Population: Us

I fear I am admiring the problem, thrilling to ever more accurate descriptors that tell me precisely how and why I’m locked in this unfulfilling spiral, rather than taking steps to change my behavior.

Pay to Play

What happens to a creative practice when you proactively divorce it from capitalism?

Solidarity Economy

Of course Mara has already been talking about these questions for years. Of course she posted a link to this report just a couple weeks ago. Of course there’s a huge body of ongoing work unfolding around these questions across every industry at this weird crisis point in history. Of course!

That's all! Go home!