Special Edition: New York This Weekend

Greetings, East Coasters! I’m heading to your fine shores this weekend (June 6th & 7th) for Special Edition: New York, a comics-centric show from the folks who bring you New York Comic Con. I’ll be in Artist Alley at Table H3. There’s a great line-up of creators attending, and I’m really excited to do my … Continue reading Special Edition: New York This Weekend

Cartozia Sticker Sheets & Issue 4 Preview

I was beyond stoked when I found out that our “fun bonus” feature for Cartozia Tales Issue 4 was going to be STICKER SHEETS. I go nuts for stickers — who doesn’t? So I spent all day Tuesday drawing this sheet of some of my favorite characters: a Philosopher Bird, a Mask Bear mask, Master Cyrus, Wick … Continue reading Cartozia Sticker Sheets & Issue 4 Preview

Site Overhaul!

Welcome, friends, to my brand new site! After realizing that my former blog theme was no longer supported on WordPress and therefore failing to load images properly, I upgraded to a new theme and have spent the afternoon putting together a more robust and well organized homepage for you all to enjoy. There are some … Continue reading Site Overhaul!

Monday Sketchdump

In honor of completing my story for Cartozia #3 last week, I decided to do a little warm-up sketch of my two protagonists on Sunday. Meet Grumley and Bumley, cantankerous fishermen at large. I’ve also been trying to get back into the habit of doing warm-up sketches on a more regular basis, so here are … Continue reading Monday Sketchdump

Kevin’s Catch — Sneak Peek

Just finished a mad dash to finish line on my latest story for Cartozia Tales. Did I mention WE MET OUR KICKSTARTER GOAL? Holy cow, Internet. You really pulled through on that one and I’m so incredibly grateful. Thanks to all of you who helped spread the word and raise us over our massive goal. … Continue reading Kevin’s Catch — Sneak Peek

Cartozia! Rose City! New Comics! I’M BACK.

What ho, faithful followers! I’m finally back in the land of civilization after 21 days of hiking, climbing, rowing, and getting dunked repeatedly in very cold water-ing. I don’t have adequate words to explain what an extraordinary time I had, but here’s a picture from Day 5. I know. It’s ridiculous. Despite my near-constant sogginess, I did … Continue reading Cartozia! Rose City! New Comics! I’M BACK.

The Final Dispatch

Greetings, dear readers! I write to you from somewhere in the mountainous Utah desert, surrounded by the chaos of packing and provisioning for an important voyage. This will be my last online appearance before a 21-day rafting trip down all 287 miles of the Grand Canyon. I’ve been planning this adventure in one form or … Continue reading The Final Dispatch

The Cartozia Tales Kickstarter is LIVE

You’ve heard me shouting about it for months and end, and now the day is finally here! The Cartozia Kickstarter Campaign has launched with an incredible outpouring of support from fans all over the world. I’m so excited to share it with you. In case you’ve missed it the last fifteen times I’ve gushed about … Continue reading The Cartozia Tales Kickstarter is LIVE

Cartozia Lives!

Joy of joys! My copies of Cartozia #1 arrived over the weekend and HOLY COW they are bee-yoo-tiful. Isaac did a stellar job with the print quality and paper stock, and the stories all look gorgeous. I just can’t stop touching them. We’ll be running a Kickstarter for the full year’s worth of issues later … Continue reading Cartozia Lives!

Cartozia #1 Pre-Orders & Issue 2 Previews!

So I just got word from our fearless editor Isaac Cates that Cartozia Tales #1 is hot off the press and headed out TODAY! Here’s a couple phone-quality photos of the first issue: You can still snag a copy for the pre-order sale price ($5!) until Isaac starts shipping orders in earnest, so be sure … Continue reading Cartozia #1 Pre-Orders & Issue 2 Previews!

That's all! Go home!