Unexpected AARP Bulletin Gem

“For me, it’s about continuing the love you got as a child. I had a lot of love as a kid, and I don’t want that love to stop.”

Homesick for Many Places

Is it possible to have roots in multiple places?


This morning I woke suddenly in the dark, startled by something toppling in a gust of wind, and decided to get up. I very rarely regret being up before the sun. It’s something my dad taught me to love, waking early to wash the previous night’s dishes or listen to Satie at the kitchen table. … Continue reading Delights

This Book, That Book

Katherine Kwong is a delight. She’s smart and earnest and curious and very, very kind. We first met in person at my book tour event for 100 Demon Dialogues at McNally Jackson in New York, and her online exuberance is even more tangible in person. When she told me she was launching a podcast to … Continue reading This Book, That Book

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