Tag: classwork
My Grandmother’s Beast (Pt. 3)
Kickin’ it in San Francisco this weekend for the SF Fusion Exchange. Gonna be doing a lot of dancing and not a lot of comics, but at least there’s another update. (To be concluded next week.)
My Grandmother’s Beast (Part 1)
First off, happy festive season to all you blog-following types. It’s been a sunny one down here in California, but soon enough I’ll be back in the Pacific Northwest slogging away at the drawing board. In the meantime, I’ve been remiss about getting these files optimized for the web, but here, at last, is my most … Continue reading My Grandmother’s Beast (Part 1)
A guilt-induced post, since things have been rather quiet here. Many a deadline rearing its ugly head, but more comics to come in the next couple weeks. As for the dragons, I churned this out a few months back while brainstorming ideas for my thesis. Did you guys draw dragons when you were younger? What’s … Continue reading Dragons
Stars – Page 6
And that’s a wrap! Hope you all enjoyed this foray into a new style.
As promised, a new 6-page comic begins today! Our most recent assignment involved adapting excerpts from the blogs of soldiers stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan. “Stars” is the result of that process. Those of you with a keen eye will detect a lot of visual influence from Sergio Toppi, the masterful Italian illustrator and cartoonist. … Continue reading Stars
Fenton: Page 3
What’s a poor wartime photographer to do?