Tag: comic
Never Again
I’ve wondered with increasing frequency whether it makes the most sense to start consolidating everything on my own site, but the fact is there’s something valuable about maintaining these different tonal environments.
Hourly Comic Day 2022
This is how it is this year.
New Comic: Federated Learning for Google
Hello, blog friends! I know things have been pretty quiet around here lately, but that’s mostly because I’ve been tied up making this new comic for Google! Federated Learning is a new field of machine learning research that just hit the big-time at Google’s developer conference this week. I landed a gig working with Scott … Continue reading New Comic: Federated Learning for Google
New Comic: We-Vibe Sync Review
I’m back with an appearance on today’s Oh Joy, Sex Toy! It’s been a spell since my last guest comic for Matt and Erika’s charmingly sex-positive series, so I’m thrilled to return and help them with their, eh-hem, overflow of supplies. Check out my full review of the We-Vibe Sync here!
Hourly Comic Day 2018
It’s time for another installment of my favorite comics holiday: Hourly Comic Day! Every year on February 1st, creators around the world draw a panel (or panels) for every hour they’re awake. This is my eighth year participating, and I love it more and more each time around. It’s a great opportunity to reflect on where I’m … Continue reading Hourly Comic Day 2018
Hourly Comic Day 2017
Hey friends! I’ve got a new comic for you today: This is my seventh year doing Hourly Comic Day, and it’s really such a delightful thing. For those that aren’t familiar: it’s a global art project where folks draw a panel for every hour they’re awake on February 1st. It’s a wonderful way to discover … Continue reading Hourly Comic Day 2017
New Comic: Mappin’ the Floor
Hi friends! It’s been a busy week here on the island of O‘ahu. After completing our three-week ocean crossing aboard R/V Falkor last Monday at 8:30am, the ship immediately went into prep mode for a host of different events to help promote the results of our cruise. Chief among these was getting the gallery show at … Continue reading New Comic: Mappin’ the Floor
New Comic: Sail Cargo Resurgence
Hey friends, Fittingly, I’m writing this blog post from the deck of the Oliver Hazard Perry, a new tall ship in Rhode Island that I’m currently working aboard as a visiting artist. But that’s secondary to the following exciting news of the day: I’ve got a new comic up on The Nib! For the last few … Continue reading New Comic: Sail Cargo Resurgence
Hourly Comic Day 2016
Hello, friends—it’s time for another installment of everyone’s favorite working holiday: Hourly Comic Day! This is my sixth(!!!) year participating which, for those of you who aren’t familiar, involves drawing a panel or two for every hour you’re awake on February 1st. It’s a lovely way to create a time capsule of your drawing style … Continue reading Hourly Comic Day 2016
Baggywrinkles Ebooks are Live!
Dearest Bags and Wrinkles: I am so, so, SO excited to announce that the ebook edition of Baggywrinkles: a Lubber’s Guide to Life at Sea is now available for purchase! If you supported the Kickstarter campaign, you can find a download code to get the files for free in this update, otherwise it’s $7 for a bundle of … Continue reading Baggywrinkles Ebooks are Live!