Kevin’s Catch — Sneak Peek

Just finished a mad dash to finish line on my latest story for Cartozia Tales. Did I mention WE MET OUR KICKSTARTER GOAL? Holy cow, Internet. You really pulled through on that one and I’m so incredibly grateful. Thanks to all of you who helped spread the word and raise us over our massive goal. … Continue reading Kevin’s Catch — Sneak Peek

Dreams: Getting Weirder

In this installment of “My Brain is Batshit Insane,” I discover Serge Gainsbourg’s secret stash of poorly-drawn Avengers pornography. I’ll leave it up to you guys to decide what that means. Bonus comic! This was one of the drawings in Serge’s sketchbooks that I actually remember. Not appearing in these strips: the man wearing terrycloth … Continue reading Dreams: Getting Weirder

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