Tag: death
The Talk Beneath the Talk
Turns out I’m always trying to illuminate the thing that feels big but unspoken at any given moment in my life.
Touch is a cornerstone of survival in this season.
The Island
These things happen all the time, so what undergirds the idea that they’re aberrant?
A View (3)
Every divot in the trail is a spring.
Five Rhymes
“Not every experience needs to be put in the basket of ‘turn this into a beautiful piece of writing for the people’, but everything goes in the basket of – perhaps there is more to this than meets the eye.”
Brace, Ebb, Theft
When I make light of this season—either because I’m afraid of it, or embarrassed that it’s happening to me, or something else—I rob myself of the chance to feel my way through into whatever comes next.
The first funeral I ever attended wasn’t for a family member; it was for a cartoonist.
Mind the Gap
This morning I opened Twitter and saw that John le Carré had died. I don’t know how to talk about this. He wasn’t John in our house, but David—his given name. I grew up alongside his grandchildren in California, fellow offspring of English parents who had come to LA to work in film and stayed … Continue reading Mind the Gap