Tag: dragons
Ramble #35
We got owls! We got frogs! We got THE MOON. Yes, it’s another Ramble, coming to you live from the Meadows Preserve in Ojai, California. For those of you new to the practice: I record these walk-and-talks every so often as a way to keep track of where my head’s at. If you’d rather read … Continue reading Ramble #35
What Do You Call It?
“I thought by the time I was doing this I’d be with someone.” I cried when I told her—another one of the myriad griefs threading through this kintsugi year: that not being in a romantic partnership somehow rendered me incapable of facing my father’s decline. But when I was writing the FAQ about my move, … Continue reading What Do You Call It?
A guilt-induced post, since things have been rather quiet here. Many a deadline rearing its ugly head, but more comics to come in the next couple weeks. As for the dragons, I churned this out a few months back while brainstorming ideas for my thesis. Did you guys draw dragons when you were younger? What’s … Continue reading Dragons