Smut Peddler: Sordid Past

I’ve got a VERY niche comic coming out in Iron Circus’s latest anthology!

New Comic: We-Vibe Sync Review

I’m back with an appearance on today’s Oh Joy, Sex Toy! It’s been a spell since my last guest comic for Matt and Erika’s charmingly sex-positive series, so I’m thrilled to return and help them with their, eh-hem, overflow of supplies. Check out my full review of the We-Vibe Sync here!

“Bombshells” are Here!

So as some of you may or may not be aware, I sit next to my friend Erika Moen when working at Periscope Studio. She takes a lot of reference photos for her fantastic comic, Oh Joy, Sex Toy, and since we’re perpendicular to one another I’m in a seriously ideal position to photobomb basically all of … Continue reading “Bombshells” are Here!

New Panel Recordings: Frisky Fun, Young at Heart, and Best Foot Forward

  Hello, friends! Here’s a quick post to let you know I’ve added three new panel recordings from VanCAF 2015 to my collection of educational audio content over on Soundcloud. Read on for all three: Frisky Fun for All: The World of Adult Comics was just about the most fun I’ve ever had on any panel … Continue reading New Panel Recordings: Frisky Fun, Young at Heart, and Best Foot Forward

GWS Guest Strips Up and Running

Big week, friends! While I’m still away doing Boat Stuff in Boston, my five-strip guest arc for Danielle Corsetto’s delightful series Girls with Slingshots begins running TODAY. Check back on the GWS site each day this week to follow Hazel and Jamie in their quest for reasonable underwear. I promise it will be a thrilling ride. … Continue reading GWS Guest Strips Up and Running

Thought Bubble Fundraiser, Girls With Slingshots Guest Arc, and the Oh Joy, Sex Toy Kickstarter!

Hey gang! So some of you may have noticed a new little widget on the side of my site. It looks like this: I’ve put up a donation button because I’ve been accepted to table at the Thought Bubble Festival in England this year (WOO!) and I would absolutely LOVE to attend, but the airfare costs … Continue reading Thought Bubble Fundraiser, Girls With Slingshots Guest Arc, and the Oh Joy, Sex Toy Kickstarter!

New Oh Joy, Sex Toy Guest Comic

I was so excited to return to Erika Moen’s Oh Joy, Sex Toy this week and deliver a guest comic about the exciting, unorthodox possibilities of the lowly Cutter Snake Bite Kit. The comic is (obviously) very not safe for work, but if you’ve got a spare moment in the comfort of your own home … Continue reading New Oh Joy, Sex Toy Guest Comic

New (Side) Project: Party on Paper

Many, many moons ago I was lamenting the fact that I am peripheral friends with a lot of incredible lady cartoonists, but haven’t had the chance to hang out with them as much as I’d like. Scanning my bookshelf in a sulk, I happened upon my copy of Drawn To You, a charming conversation comic project put … Continue reading New (Side) Project: Party on Paper

Erika Moen (New Comic!)

Let me tell you guys about Erika Moen. I started reading Erika’s autobio series DAR long before I’d ever considered drawing comics for a living. Her hilarious, honest snapshots of life encompassed the struggles of being a creative person, the joy and humor of sex, and the complexities of personal identity. The comics were brave … Continue reading Erika Moen (New Comic!)

That's all! Go home!