First Among Seconds

I’ve always been a sucker for tiny, functional items; things that carry the evidence of daily activity and the particular devotion of the mundane.

A View (3)

Every divot in the trail is a spring.

A Shot of Joy

I feel so much tenderness toward these photos.

Hourly Comic Day 2022

This is how it is this year.

Unexpected AARP Bulletin Gem

“For me, it’s about continuing the love you got as a child. I had a lot of love as a kid, and I don’t want that love to stop.”

Homesick for Many Places

Is it possible to have roots in multiple places?


On “bits of the mind’s string too short to use, an indiscriminate and erratic assemblage with meaning only for its maker.”

Heroics (Addendum)

I’m becoming increasingly wary of any label that obscures our reliance on one another and denies us our wholeness as human beings.

What Do You Call It?

“I thought by the time I was doing this I’d be with someone.” I cried when I told her—another one of the myriad griefs threading through this kintsugi year: that not being in a romantic partnership somehow rendered me incapable of facing my father’s decline. But when I was writing the FAQ about my move, … Continue reading What Do You Call It?

Mind the Gap

This morning I opened Twitter and saw that John le Carré had died. I don’t know how to talk about this. He wasn’t John in our house, but David—his given name. I grew up alongside his grandchildren in California, fellow offspring of English parents who had come to LA to work in film and stayed … Continue reading Mind the Gap

That's all! Go home!