Supplemental Video

We all want to be patted on the head. We all want to know we are part of the tribe.

“It’s a gift.”

There’s a certain amount of distance I need in order to extend compassion to myself.

Artist Brain/Worker Brain

I can’t help but be furious when I think about how many people cannot survive on the money publishing wants to pay them.


Luke added this illustrated addendum to the GOES Books site after hearing from some people that they felt guilty claiming a comic without also paying it forward. It’s so good. This project is so good.

What Goes Around

Okay, listen: I’ve been pretty consumed lately with barking up my own mental redwood tree about patronage and interdependent communities and what it means to try and support artists during late-stage capitalism, but this morning I got an email from my friend Luke Kruger-Howard that felt like turning around and realizing that this isn’t just … Continue reading What Goes Around

That's all! Go home!