Hourly Comic Day 2022

This is how it is this year.

New Comic: Mr. Tambourine Man

In honor of Mr. Tambourine Man making the official selection for Rock Ink Roll’s anthology (out in November from Altered Aesthetics!), I’ve decided to release the comic online for all to read and enjoy. It was great working with writer Shannon Campbell again, and I’m looking forward to the other projects we have planned for … Continue reading New Comic: Mr. Tambourine Man

That’s A Wrap

After ten days of non-stop insanity, Mr. Tambourine Man is FINISHED. I’ll be submitting the story to Rock Ink Roll tomorrow morning after a few final tone tweaks. I’m so pleased with how this thing came out, and I’m thrilled to be working with Shannon Campbell again. (We’ve got another project in the works for … Continue reading That’s A Wrap

That's all! Go home!