Hourly Comic Day 2014

Another year, another edition of Hourly Comic Day! For those of you who aren’t familiar, cartoonists all over the world draw a panel or short comic for every hour they’re awake on February 1st. It’s a fun way to see how folks spend their time (spoilers: mostly drawing comics) and churn out a finished thing in a relatively short period.

These are a couple days late, ’cause I didn’t have access to a scanner over the weekend, but I did manage to finish all the drawing on Feb. 1st. Wish I’d had time to color ’em too, but that’s the nature of the game. Also: it has been traditional (see HCD 2013 and 2012) for me to eat salami on February 1st — I have no idea why — but by the time I realized this year it was too late. Shame.