Tag: inking
A Collection of Small Things
Too many things on the brain, not enough energy to make them all into individual posts.
Rock Ink Roll – Sneak Peek
Still cranking hard on my story for Rock Ink Roll with Shannon Campbell. Inked three pages yesterday, wrapping the other three by tonight. Off to tones and color tomorrow. Deadline: Monday. So excited to submit this.
Assorted Doings
Hello everyone! Still recovering from Emerald City over here, but I’m excited to say that I’m well into inking my story for Symbolia Magazine, which will basically be my full-time job for the next few weeks. Things will be quiet while I’m working on that, but afterwards it’ll be on to Baggywrinkles #4 and beyond! … Continue reading Assorted Doings
True Believer: The Final Countdown!
Oh man, dudes. Things are heating up. In the final few weeks before True Believer hits the printers, I’ll be coloring up a storm, making buttons, designing business cards, investigating screen printing, and also trying to format that other weird written thesis thing I was supposed to have written by now. Just kidding. I wrote … Continue reading True Believer: The Final Countdown!
The Growth of The Beast
In other news, I apparently can’t decide on which Instagram filter I like best.
Progress Report
So, you guys may’ve noticed that things have been a little quiet here on the comics front. Fear not! Things are happening and this post will hopefully clear up a few questions about where my energy’s going these days and when you can expect to see some new sequential work. I’m currently neck deep in … Continue reading Progress Report
Onward and Upward
While it’s lovely to take pride in one’s work and rest on the old laurels a little after turning in something on a deadline, I really do love the little voice in my head that says “Oh man, fuck that project! This is where it’s at” as soon as I sink my teeth into something … Continue reading Onward and Upward
Oh wut!
Someone’s inking a comic! Also: taught a comics workshop at Reed this evening that went super well! Had an awesome group of students and even though I know I probably talked too fast, they seemed to dig it. Looking forward to showing the collaborative comic we came up with. Good stuff!