Tag: Inspiration
A Pack a Day
More dispatches from the Department of Niche Websites.
Soup Brain
“to live among & within & through words or more vitally, caring attention—that’s the daily practice”
Visual Dispatch #3
Start where you are with what you have (but keep an eye on where you’ve been so you can figure out where you want to go).
A Nice Carpet
No trip to Juneau for Comics Camp in 2020 (and, from the looks of it, none in 2021 either), but we did gather in April and January for two truly lovely online…hangouts? Digital-councils? Un-tele-conferences? Whatever they were I liked them. During the most recent one I tried leading a Creative Wayfinding Workshop based on my … Continue reading A Nice Carpet
Erika Moen (New Comic!)
Let me tell you guys about Erika Moen. I started reading Erika’s autobio series DAR long before I’d ever considered drawing comics for a living. Her hilarious, honest snapshots of life encompassed the struggles of being a creative person, the joy and humor of sex, and the complexities of personal identity. The comics were brave … Continue reading Erika Moen (New Comic!)
Doing It Anyway
Although it’s been one of Those Days, I’m excited to say that I’m finally through to the backend on my first story for Symbolia Magazine! Here’s the whole thing all tinylike (no spoilers!) before I print it out and start inking. After spending all this time researching uniforms and protocol and environments and guns (oh … Continue reading Doing It Anyway
Spottin’ Blacks
More weekly challenge stuff. Focused on high-contrast faces this week to get more decisive about laying down blacks: And thanks again to everyone who came out to the workshops this week! It was great to see so many of you there. I’ve posted my lecture notes from the Freelance Badassery talk on Tumblr if you wanna … Continue reading Spottin’ Blacks
Lighting the Fire
In the little town of White River Junction, Vermont, far away from the bustle of the big city, there’s this school. It’s not your usual school. It’s pretty small. Pretty new. But it’s a marvel — a straight up phenomenon among graduate programs, among schools, among communities of any kind, so maybe you’ve heard of… … Continue reading Lighting the Fire