The Long-Awaited Tessa Hulls Interview

Just in time for my next event at Bart’s Books, I’ve finally finished cutting together the audio of my previous conversation there with creative powerhouse Tessa Hulls!

A Rare Appearance!

Remember when I used to do events? Me neither.


“All right, then, annihilate me”

Caught an excellent, all-too-brief conversation between Austin Kleon and Sarah Ruhl on YouTube earlier today and took some sketchnotes.

Unexpected AARP Bulletin Gem

“For me, it’s about continuing the love you got as a child. I had a lot of love as a kid, and I don’t want that love to stop.”


“You put [a hero] in a bag and he looks like a rabbit, like a potato.”

Websites? Wobsites. Wibsits!

This is broadly a discussion about websites and trying to be yourself on the internet, but we also managed to talk about The Muppets, book design, 1970s British television, generative poetry, and at least two types of cheese.


Photographer Joshua Kissi articulated something I relate to very deeply about the idea of “success” for creators in the current age in this interview: “There’s less of a binary now. It’s not a clear ‘you made it,’ or ‘you didn’t.’ For a long time, people romanticized this idea of the starving artist because there were … Continue reading Scarcity/Support

Ojai: Talk of the Town

I caught up with my friend Bret Bradigan on his Ojai-centric podcast to talk about what I’m working on these days.

This Book, That Book

Katherine Kwong is a delight. She’s smart and earnest and curious and very, very kind. We first met in person at my book tour event for 100 Demon Dialogues at McNally Jackson in New York, and her online exuberance is even more tangible in person. When she told me she was launching a podcast to … Continue reading This Book, That Book

Unselfing, Grief, Birds

Helen Macdonald on unselfing and grief.

That's all! Go home!