Tag: kickstarter
The Talk Beneath the Talk
Turns out I’m always trying to illuminate the thing that feels big but unspoken at any given moment in my life.
“Sunshine permeates. Blooming permeates. Celebration permeates. Refuge permeates.”
The Context Coin
If I’m obsessed with preparing for every eventuality, where’s the room for surprise? For delight? For exchange?
Welcome, baby.
Historically, there’s been an element of exhaustion or overstimulation in the work I make due to it being tied in so many respects to social media. The energy of being on Twitter or Instagram bleeds into everything from the pace of production to the pressure to reach more people. Even if I’m enjoying making the art, there’s this extra stuff that I don’t quite know what to do with.
But this book felt different.
Sideways Pride
Not the whole thing, but part of the thing.
The first funeral I ever attended wasn’t for a family member; it was for a cartoonist.
Slowly, Slowly
It takes so few people, relatively speaking, to make this transformation possible.
Nesting and Turning
My working theory is that the silence and the sunshine and the singing are key materials of the nest I am always building, to hold whatever thoughts, feelings, rhythms, and ideas become my poems. Tara writes a monthly guest column on Nicole‘s blog. Every installment holds several gems, but her latest is particularly gemful. The … Continue reading Nesting and Turning
Smut Peddler: Sordid Past
I’ve got a VERY niche comic coming out in Iron Circus’s latest anthology!
NB: I originally shared this post on Patreon on July 14th, 2017, just after launching the Kickstarter for 100 Demon Dialogues. I wanted to link to it in an essay I’m working on right now, but I’m also trying to consolidate my writing on my own website, so I’m reposting the whole thing here. This … Continue reading Atom