Tag: memory
…a whole realm of people who could look at every passing thought and doodle and hard-won victory and low moment and interview and blog post and reflect back someone cohesive and true.
I just know that when I read it I felt personally attacked in that good, awful way that means something true is surfacing.
Interior Design
“And together we remember everything.”
The Half-Remembered Bakery
Finding slices of myself in the flaky pastry of the Old Web.
Time Travel
This morning I woke up in my childhood bedroom and now I can’t stop thinking about time travel.
Light in the Eyes
Something a little different today: a process GIF from a recent illustration commission! This cat portrait was done start-to-finish in Manga Studio with Frenden’s blue pencil and Hairpin Sable inker brushes. You notice how the cat really comes alive in that last frame when the white highlights in the eyes come into play? Every time … Continue reading Light in the Eyes
The 100 Day Project
Those of you following me on social media may’ve noticed a new series of drawings going up over the last couple weeks! I’m participating in The 100 Day Project, which comes to us via Elle Luna and The Great Discontent. The premise of this project is simple: make something every day for 100 days. That’s all. … Continue reading The 100 Day Project