Things I’m Noticing After Last Week

(Prefacing this post by saying I’m safe, just processing what’s happening and trying to keep tabs on what it all looks like on the inside. I’m too scattered to make art about it, so a list will do for now.) I’m on a zero-to-sixty short fuse, which is uncharacteristic for me. Screamed at my phone … Continue reading Things I’m Noticing After Last Week


“Marketing is an outbound chore that increases the frequency of inbound inquiries.”

Health Check

Just thinkin’.

100 Demon Dialogues hits San Francisco

Hi Everyone! I just wanted to give you the heads up that my big summer book tour is hitting the Bay Area this week. You can find me at 826 Valencia’s PIRATE SUPPLY STORE this Wednesday evening for a big 100 Demon Dialogues event (RSVP and further details here). I’ve invited three lovely, smart folks … Continue reading 100 Demon Dialogues hits San Francisco

That's all! Go home!