New Comic: We-Vibe Sync Review

I’m back with an appearance on today’s Oh Joy, Sex Toy! It’s been a spell since my last guest comic for Matt and Erika’s charmingly sex-positive series, so I’m thrilled to return and help them with their, eh-hem, overflow of supplies. Check out my full review of the We-Vibe Sync here!

New Comic: Definitely-Not-Filthy Sailing Terms

Another week, another new comic over on The Nib! I decided to settle the matter of people always asking me about these perfectly innocent nautical terms. Seriously you guys, there’s nothing dirty about a Lubber’s Hole at all. Read the comic and all will be revealed.

Sketchdump 8.23.14

Proud to say I’ve been back on the sketchbook horse this month after a lengthy fallow period, so I figured it was high time to show my work. Behold! Some nudes from a figure drawing session last week (five- and one-minute poses, respectively): There’s also a bundle of progress shots from my work on the … Continue reading Sketchdump 8.23.14

New Oh Joy, Sex Toy Guest Comic

I was so excited to return to Erika Moen’s Oh Joy, Sex Toy this week and deliver a guest comic about the exciting, unorthodox possibilities of the lowly Cutter Snake Bite Kit. The comic is (obviously) very not safe for work, but if you’ve got a spare moment in the comfort of your own home … Continue reading New Oh Joy, Sex Toy Guest Comic

That's all! Go home!