Tag: offline
I’m trying to rest a little more weight on the ties that hold us to each other.
Fade Out
“I’m feeling my way to that destination, which is years off, surely, and I just hope to manage it gracefully.”
Welcome, baby.
Historically, there’s been an element of exhaustion or overstimulation in the work I make due to it being tied in so many respects to social media. The energy of being on Twitter or Instagram bleeds into everything from the pace of production to the pressure to reach more people. Even if I’m enjoying making the art, there’s this extra stuff that I don’t quite know what to do with.
But this book felt different.
Kicking Snakes
I sent a couple tweets into the aether yesterday after not putting anything out on Twitter for about a month. Maybe it was because I’d just worked out and endorphins were careening through my central nervous system and my blood sugar was about to crash, but when I hit the button and sent them off … Continue reading Kicking Snakes