The Owl Neck Problem

When is it going to be enough?

Ramble #30

This Ramble is about stuff I lost track of in 2021, things I’m thinking about in the new year, trying to abandon perfectionism, what to share and what not to share, the topography of the Ojai Valley, and various other things.

Who doesn’t love a mystery?

Sometimes a frog-puppeteered paean to gentle pleasures is just the thing. (via Ben, who got it via Kean)

Owl News

Usually we get Great Horned Owls in our garden, slow and mournful and resonant, but last night I heard a newcomer with a call like a rubber ball dropped down a flight of stairs. Listen: It’s a Western Screech Owl! This audio recording is from April 4th, 2020. It was captured 130 miles from here … Continue reading Owl News

That's all! Go home!