“What I’m having is fun.”

“He’s welcome to it!”

Back at Bart’s

Come help celebrate the release of Carson Ellis’s new book, One Week in January, on October 12th in the Bart’s courtyard from 6-7pm!


“Sunshine permeates. Blooming permeates. Celebration permeates. Refuge permeates.”


To paint the sea: is it a process or is it a state? Maybe one leads to the other? Anna Iltnere, discussing Philip Hoare’s Risingtidefallingstar

Inktober 2017 Skyline Watercolors

If you follow me elsewhere on social media, you know I’ve got a massive penchant for drawing challenges. Inktober is a perennial favorite, so this year I tackled 31 6×6″ watercolor paintings of sunrises and sunsets. Each image was painted from life wherever I happened to be on each day of the month, starting with … Continue reading Inktober 2017 Skyline Watercolors

Time-Lapse Boats

I had a ton of fun wrapping up these watercolor paintings for my top-tier backers on the Baggywrinkles Kickstarter last week. Here’s a look at the final lineup of paintings: Clockwise from upper left, we’ve got El Galeon (hiding behind PDX YAR’s First Mate), L’Hermione, Brig Niagara, and Kalmar Nyckel (in disguise under a different … Continue reading Time-Lapse Boats

Light in the Eyes

Something a little different today: a process GIF from a recent illustration commission! This cat portrait was done start-to-finish in Manga Studio with Frenden’s blue pencil and Hairpin Sable inker brushes. You notice how the cat really comes alive in that last frame when the white highlights in the eyes come into play? Every time … Continue reading Light in the Eyes

Sea Creature Commissions

Wrapped up this little triptych of sea creatures last week for a client in Seattle. They were so much fun to paint! I really enjoy working with vibrant watercolors. He asked for a layout where they could hang staggered on a vertical plane, so I overlapped the elements from each one to give them a … Continue reading Sea Creature Commissions

HMS Rose

Wrapped up this little painting today. Aren’t boats just the best?

An Exciting New Product

Sometimes people say things and they stick in your head until you make an illustration out of them. This is one such illustration.

That's all! Go home!