New Merch: “Fair Winds” & “Blissful Indifference” Postcards

I’m releasing two new postcard designs this week! They’ll be coming in sets of 5 for $5—a mere buck-a-postcard—so hop over to my store to pre-order, or read on to learn more. Many moons ago I drew this in a sketchbook to celebrate the passage of time and its marvelous effect on giving a shit about … Continue reading New Merch: “Fair Winds” & “Blissful Indifference” Postcards

Nautical Postcards Round 1: Swallows!

Getting boxes from the print shop always feels like Christmas — the excitement, the possibility, the wondering whether that thing you asked for is really as cool as you think it is in person. The answer is yes: it is. These are my first proper postcards and I have to admit I went a little bonkers … Continue reading Nautical Postcards Round 1: Swallows!

Patron Saint: VanCAF Promo Card

Had a lot of fun illustrating this exclusive postcard for the Vancouver Comic Arts Festival last week. It’s funny how certain pieces really showcase the concept that “Everything’s a Remix”. There are a couple influences here that I’d feel remiss not pointing out: the concept for this piece is totally a spin on a shoot … Continue reading Patron Saint: VanCAF Promo Card


You know the feeling. The fear that a triggering situation will arise in your future and incapacitate you the same way it’s done so many times before. And then, it happens. And you don’t care in the slightest. And it’s magical. (Due to popular demand it looks like I’ll be making postcards of this image in … Continue reading Relief

That's all! Go home!