Back at Bart’s

Come help celebrate the release of Carson Ellis’s new book, One Week in January, on October 12th in the Bart’s courtyard from 6-7pm!

Relative Pricing

What would it really take for cartoonists to be paid fairly for the work they do? What happens to the accessibility of my work if I’m paid what I’m worth?

Welcome, baby.

Historically, there’s been an element of exhaustion or overstimulation in the work I make due to it being tied in so many respects to social media. The energy of being on Twitter or Instagram bleeds into everything from the pace of production to the pressure to reach more people. Even if I’m enjoying making the art, there’s this extra stuff that I don’t quite know what to do with.

But this book felt different.

Artist Brain/Worker Brain

I can’t help but be furious when I think about how many people cannot survive on the money publishing wants to pay them.

Visual Dispatch #5


That's all! Go home!