Powerful > Perfect

“By powerful I mean achieving your goals, realizing your hopes, and that’s most often done incrementally, imperfectly, and by working with people who don’t agree with you about everything.”

Double Dipping

Recurrent vocabulary.

Sketchnotes: For the People

Notes from a recent informational webinar run by For The People, a fantastic team aiming to get more people actively involved in defending and championing libraries. This was well-timed, since I wanted to check out volunteer opportunities with our local Friends of the Ojai Library organization, but Katie, Mariame, Tara, and their colleagues inspired me … Continue reading Sketchnotes: For the People

Four Reading Rhymes

“You’re a phantom in both worlds and a god of sorts in the world that is not exactly the one the author wrote but some hybrid of her imagination and yours.”

The Island

These things happen all the time, so what undergirds the idea that they’re aberrant?

Current Feelings (But Also Actually Past Feelings)

“It’s rare that I feel dreadful while I’m having my tea and scrawling pages into my journal outside in the sun first thing in the morning, so whatever’s coming for me today will, at the very least, abate for a half hour tomorrow. This helps to remember.”

In the Dark

“You cannot write a single line w/out a cosmology.”

Five Rhymes

“Not every experience needs to be put in the basket of ‘turn this into a beautiful piece of writing for the people’, but everything goes in the basket of – perhaps there is more to this than meets the eye.”

2022 in Reading

Everything I read in 2022 with next-to-no commentary at all.

They are both darkness: they are both lights.

“There will be a lot of sewing last year’s fragments with this year’s threads.”

That's all! Go home!