❧ Prompt Update: Haunting

What might happen if we remember this house has two doors, and that if we throw wide the front one, the thoughts that come will very often exit through the back of their own accord?

Octopus Pie Eternal

It’s magical to see characters age as we age.

Fade Out

“I’m feeling my way to that destination, which is years off, surely, and I just hope to manage it gracefully.”


“If everyone’s social media experience looked like your social media experience I think people would want to be on social media a lot more.” I’m in therapy. I mean, I’m in my house, same as every other day, but I’m looking at the particular video call window that corresponds to “being in therapy” and my … Continue reading Stumbling

The Lexicon

I was in high school when I started my first list of unknown words. It happened because I was tired of acing vocab quizzes in English class without having to study, and that was happening because I was a precocious kid who read a lot of books and seemed unable to stop adding to her … Continue reading The Lexicon

That's all! Go home!