Tag: shameless self-promotion
Convention Time! San Francisco! Baggywrinkles 3 Debut!
Hey gang, I write to you from not-very-sunny-at-all San Francisco, where I’m settling in for a weekend of crazy awesome goodness at APE! For those in the area, APE will be taking place at the Concourse Exhibition Center this Saturday and Sunday from 11-7 and 11-6 respectively. Passes are $10 for one day or $15 … Continue reading Convention Time! San Francisco! Baggywrinkles 3 Debut!
MERCH ALERT: Fight For Your Art T-Shirts Are Here!
Many thanks to Kevin Kirkemo, who snapped these beautiful shots, and to my sexy models: Kathleen Conahan and Denis Lemeshenko. If you’d like to snag one of these body-swaddling babies for yourself, you can find both Ladies’ and Men’s styles right over here.
Hey everyone. So, in honor of my birthday (which is today), I’m releasing all my exciting news in one fell swoop. We’ve got new comics, reprints, a fan page, and a convention appearance all up in here, so read on! First, and most importantly, Baggywrinkles #2 is FINALLY HERE! *** It’s been too long in … Continue reading HERE IT COMES!
Stay Baggy, Stay Wrinkly
It’s been a long haul, folks, but here we are: BAGGYWRINKLES VOL. 1 IS NOW OFFICIALLY UP FOR SALE IN THE EMPORIUM! I don’t want to contemplate how much time I’ve spent folding and punching and sewing this week, but the net result is 100 copies of my very first minicomic ready to be flung … Continue reading Stay Baggy, Stay Wrinkly