New Print Shop Now Open

Hi everyone, Just a pre-holiday note to let you know that I’ve opened up a shop on INPRNT, a fabulous service that prints and ships gallery-quality artwork on my behalf. This is a great solution for independent creators, since producing, storing, and shipping prints is a substantial effort that I can’t afford to sustain on … Continue reading New Print Shop Now Open

New Comic: Definitely-Not-Filthy Sailing Terms

Another week, another new comic over on The Nib! I decided to settle the matter of people always asking me about these perfectly innocent nautical terms. Seriously you guys, there’s nothing dirty about a Lubber’s Hole at all. Read the comic and all will be revealed.

Boston Travelogue Now Available via Patreon

Greetings, friends! For those of you not currently involved in my Patreon page, I just wanted to put the official word out that I’m updating my Boston travelogue comic there with a new page every week for Patrons pledging $1 a month or more. There are several patronage levels that nab you a variety of … Continue reading Boston Travelogue Now Available via Patreon

Vancouver Maritime Museum Installation

Some of you may recall I was doing some illustration work for the Vancouver Maritime Museum last month. Their Art of the Sailor exhibit opened this week, and Alina Anghel (of the Vancouver Trolley Company Blog) was kind enough to snap a photo of my giant poster on the wall!  The exhibit runs through October, so … Continue reading Vancouver Maritime Museum Installation

That's all! Go home!