The Long-Awaited Tessa Hulls Interview

Just in time for my next event at Bart’s Books, I’ve finally finished cutting together the audio of my previous conversation there with creative powerhouse Tessa Hulls!

A Rare Appearance!

Remember when I used to do events? Me neither.


The NEH, Racism, Good Editors, and Me

There’s always room to be more explicit when it comes to identifying oppressive structures in our work.

Rage, Liberation, & the Adventurous Life with Tessa Hulls

I love being on Patreon for many, many reasons, but chief among them is the platform it’s given me to record more conversations with creators I admire. I already keep an extensive archive of panels, talks, and classes, but the support and enthusiasm of my Patrons has allowed me to add candid monthly interviews to the … Continue reading Rage, Liberation, & the Adventurous Life with Tessa Hulls

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