Tag: travel
Part of me feels sad that the hype machine burns out so quickly, other parts are happy that these small-scale experiments go to ground.
Travel-Based Urgency
Any impending departure drives me to put my affairs in order as if I’m about to set out on a doomed expedition to the South Pole.
The Bag of Theseus
The bag in this photo is now old enough to drive. I got it sometime early in high school, probably from the outdoor shop Riley’s mom managed down in Ventura. I eschewed carrying any kind of purse for years because I like keeping my arms and hands free to scramble about, and this little pack … Continue reading The Bag of Theseus
Did you just learn that I’m moving away from Portland? Do you have burning questions about that news? Don’t worry! I HAVE ANSWERS FOR YOU.
“I’m so tempted to just go—not tell anyone, just load everything up and leave.” She narrows her eyes. “Can we unpack that for a minute?” Maybe I protest too much, but it’s not what it looks like! I’m no thief in the night! I’m not trying to desert my friends! We do all our socializing … Continue reading Turncoat
Night Owl
Perhaps that was what I came looking for in the dark. Not the owl, but the reassurance that slipping out would still grant entry to this surreal and weightless darkness.
Rage, Liberation, & the Adventurous Life with Tessa Hulls
I love being on Patreon for many, many reasons, but chief among them is the platform it’s given me to record more conversations with creators I admire. I already keep an extensive archive of panels, talks, and classes, but the support and enthusiasm of my Patrons has allowed me to add candid monthly interviews to the … Continue reading Rage, Liberation, & the Adventurous Life with Tessa Hulls
Thought Bubble This Weekend
I’m back in England for my biennial pilgrimage to Thought Bubble! Come see me in Leeds this weekend.
100 Demon Dialogues Tour: Leg 2
Hi everyone! I’m back from a frankly ridiculous month of touring across the Midwest and down the East Coast, which means it’s time to announce the dates for Leg 2 of the 100 Demon Dialogues Tour. But first, some stats about Leg 1: PRETTY HECKIN’ COOL, RIGHT? I feel very accomplished. Also very tired. Turns out moving house … Continue reading 100 Demon Dialogues Tour: Leg 2
Your Book Tour
Here’s what happens when you tell people you’re going on book tour: Their eyes widen like they’re picturing private jets and limousines, booksellers laying stock to be signed at your feet, adoring fans queued up out the door. They congratulate you—assuming you have “made it.” You try not to let the lunatic edge invade your laughter … Continue reading Your Book Tour