Tag: update
Site Overhaul!
Welcome, friends, to my brand new site! After realizing that my former blog theme was no longer supported on WordPress and therefore failing to load images properly, I upgraded to a new theme and have spent the afternoon putting together a more robust and well organized homepage for you all to enjoy. There are some … Continue reading Site Overhaul!
Party on Paper: Part TWO!
Oh hey, Party on Paper also updated this week! For those who missed it the first time around, Party on Paper is a collaborative conversation comic between Bridget Underwood, Carolyn C. Nowak, and yours truly. Click here to read the whole update on Tumblr!
Heed no rumors of my demise, Internet. It’s just that glorious time of year known as “Finals,” and I have been a very busy bee. To prove that I am not just bluffing about this, and that even in the heat of papers and exams, I am still finding time for comics, here’s a very … Continue reading Proof!