Tag: watercolor studies
An Exciting New Product
Sometimes people say things and they stick in your head until you make an illustration out of them. This is one such illustration.
More Watercolorin’ (and a Tumblr!)
Some more watercolor doodles! I can’t seem to stop myself these days. Aaaand a comic. Because I can’t resist and GOD. DAMN. the wind was cold yesterday. Also: I got a Tumblr because it seemed like a smart move. You can check it out over here. I’ll probably post more silly doodles there in the … Continue reading More Watercolorin’ (and a Tumblr!)
Dr. Sketchy’s Sketchdump! (Plus some other nonsense)
Last night I finally made it out to a Dr. Sketchy’s meeting in Portland and boy howdy am I glad I did. Awesome people, sweet prizes (lascivious burlesque paper doll book, anyone?), good drinks, and a fabulous model. What more can a girl ask for? I spent the night mostly challenging myself to bust out … Continue reading Dr. Sketchy’s Sketchdump! (Plus some other nonsense)
Red Panda
Why are these fuckers so cute? Also: bothered to scan this one. Still tricky to get the colors right, though.