An Exciting New Product

Sometimes people say things and they stick in your head until you make an illustration out of them. This is one such illustration.

More Watercolorin’ (and a Tumblr!)

Some more watercolor doodles! I can’t seem to stop myself these days. Aaaand a comic. Because I can’t resist and GOD. DAMN. the wind was cold yesterday. Also: I got a Tumblr because it seemed like a smart move. You can check it out over here. I’ll probably post more silly doodles there in the … Continue reading More Watercolorin’ (and a Tumblr!)

Dr. Sketchy’s Sketchdump! (Plus some other nonsense)

Last night I finally made it out to a Dr. Sketchy’s meeting in Portland and boy howdy am I glad I did. Awesome people, sweet prizes (lascivious burlesque paper doll book, anyone?), good drinks, and a fabulous model. What more can a girl ask for? I spent the night mostly challenging myself to bust out … Continue reading Dr. Sketchy’s Sketchdump! (Plus some other nonsense)

Red Panda

Why are these fuckers so cute? Also: bothered to scan this one. Still tricky to get the colors right, though.

That's all! Go home!