“I draw the path to walk”

There is art we make because we are dedicated to a craft and art we make because it’s an expression of our innate human desire to play.

Octopus Pie Eternal

It’s magical to see characters age as we age.

Websites? Wobsites. Wibsits!

This is broadly a discussion about websites and trying to be yourself on the internet, but we also managed to talk about The Muppets, book design, 1970s British television, generative poetry, and at least two types of cheese.

Teaching in Denmark

Some big, big, BIG news for you this week, friends: The Animation Workshop in Viborg, Denmark has invited me to come teach a two-week class on webcomics, the Internet, and modern career options for independent cartoonists. I am beside myself with excitement. I fly in just ten days and there’s a lot to get done before … Continue reading Teaching in Denmark

That's all! Go home!