A Pack a Day

More dispatches from the Department of Niche Websites.

Blogs on Blogs

I got to have an extensive chat with Manu Moreale a couple months ago for his People & Blogs series, which is a lovely project showcasing folks writing online and maintaining their own sites.


From the department of niche websites: This to That

Three Ephemeral Website Things

A few rhyming pieces from this week: 1. Sarah wrote a lovely, somewhat bittersweet post about finally closing her Photobucket account, which touched on a lot of what I find difficult about maintaining an archive of one’s creative work online as an artist, rather than just a writer: I’ve never been sentimental about my childhood … Continue reading Three Ephemeral Website Things

Good Weird Stuff

Four places to poke around when the sight of another bland-looking personal website or social network makes me want to launch my brain into low orbit.

A Truly Magnificent Thing

Interactive! Illustrated! Compendium! …OF ROCKS! This is one of those situations where the “About the Project” page contains just as many delightful surprises as the project itself. Just a treat from start to finish. (Reminiscent of An Ocean of Books, a project I blogged about back in November of 2020.)


Just thinking a lot about how I organize my thinking in general these days.

The Half-Remembered Bakery

Finding slices of myself in the flaky pastry of the Old Web.

Websites? Wobsites. Wibsits!

This is broadly a discussion about websites and trying to be yourself on the internet, but we also managed to talk about The Muppets, book design, 1970s British television, generative poetry, and at least two types of cheese.

That's all! Go home!